Ha ha ha ha ha.
I don’t think this is ever going to happen!
Whilst on Maternity Leave all I have done is snack! I don’t get much chance to make much of a breakfast or lunch whilst Dan is at work so I snack until tea time when I can cook a meal. Me and Alfie are getting better at eating breakfast at the same time. Well, when he’s being patient…!
I’m not going to lie most of the time the snacks are chocolate or sweets. Sometimes it’ll be yogurt or a breakfast bar. Normally it’s whichever is closest and quickest to open and eat quickly… Without Alfie making a grab for it!
This isn’t helping me lose any baby weight. I’ve been realistic. It’s took nine months for the weight to go on, so I expected around the same for it to go. We are nearly seven months into that nine.
I put on around four stone (I never weighed myself but got weighed at my weekly clinic appointments). Four stone! Alfie weighed 10lb 5oz, then there was the placenta and the fluid and everything else you lose when you’ve had your baby. So that was probably about a stone. That left around three for me to lose. I was and still am exclusively breastfeeding so in the first few weeks I made sure I ate well and snacked enough to keep my energy levels up… Then Dan went back to work and it went downhill.
I have no motivation to eat well. If you give me a choice over fruit or a chocolate bar, there will never, ever, ever be a decision to make. It’d be the chocolate every time.
So, this week, we finished off all of the chocolate in the house so I couldn’t keep on snacking on it, forcing me to eat more healthily.
Going cold turkey on chocolate was NEVER going to be a good idea, as I want it more than ever now! But, I’m trying my best to stick to not eating it in a bid to try and lose some of the baby weight so I can go to my Wedding Dress fitting feeling happy that I’ll like the way I look in my dress. (Yes, I did say Wedding Dress fitting! We are getting married in March… Alfie is going to be the cutest Page Boy there has ever been!)
I no my body is not going to be what it was before Alfie as I had major surgery to get him out (Why didn’t they give me a tummy tuck at the same time?!) but I grew a gorgeous baby for 9 months and five days and it was totally worth the hundreds of stretch marks and the two dress sizes I’ve gained…
Mummy Fox xx