Second Trimester!

Let’s carry on where I left off!

The second trimester was lovely. I was starting to get bigger, and bigger and bigger! Not quite as fast or as big as in the third trimester though!

19 weeks and I was at church camp called Youth Rally (lots of sports, craft, games, concerts, worships) and I first felt those tiny flutters that are your baby moving and kicking around in your belly… Surreal, yet amazing! Ever since then Baby Fox has been a music lover and I felt him moving the most when there was music on or we were at church and everyone was singing!
I think it’s safe to say I think he’ll do something musical when he’s older!

The second trimester consisted of the following;
a 20 week scan, I had to go to the loo three times as I’d drank TOO MUCH WATER! Well, that’s what you get when you leave a pregnant lady waiting 40 minutes after telling her to drink a pint of water! Idiots!
A baby moon – a weeks holiday in Tunisia with my wonderful fiancé all to myself with sun, sea and no stresses 😉
A graduation and a house move!


Moving house was the worst It mainly went like this, “Don’t touch that” “You can’t lift that box!” “You could put the kettle on” ARGHHH as you can probably tell already I’m a bit of a rebellious type!

That was about it for the second trimester!

Then came the third….

I’ll need about ten blog pages for that!

Tired baby to feed now after pancake racing at Youth Group!

Mummy Fox xx


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